Futures Literacy is the capacity to reflect and act in emergent situations by assessing the potentials of the present. It helps to deal with uncertainties, by developing narratives about possible, probable, and desirable futures and gives rise to alternative futures.

The purpose of Futures Studies is the scientific research to discover, examine, evaluate, and propose alternative futures. Futurists seek to know: What can or could be (the possible)? What is likely to be (the probable)? What ought to be (the preferable)? What is plausible?

Foresight  is the practice of anticipation. It is the methodology to make sense of the future.

Competence (it is used here synonymously with competency) is the abilities, knowledge, and skills needed in work or study situations as well as for professional and personal development.

Online Oxford Dictionary defines Entrepreneur as a person having the ability to accurately assess situations, people, facts and events and turn this to one’s advantage. It refers here to university students planning their business or academic careers; to university teachers; researchers; and owners and employees of private companies.

This survey is taking place within the ERASMUS+ project: “Becoming Future - Oriented Entrepreneurs in universities and companies - beFORE”, which is co-funded under the Knowledge Alliance scheme

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


With this survey, we invite you to take the leap into your future professional or educational life. It may be the first step to reframe your view of reality and to influence your professional future as a university graduate, researcher, or entrepreneur.

Preparing for your future can simply mean to improve certain competences. Therefore, we prepared for you a list of twelve competences to reflect and examine. You will be asked to rank them according to their importance for your professional future self.

The objective is to find your educational needs to improve skills, knowledge, and abilities to deal with the uncertainties of the future. The survey is a preparation for the development of a unique free-of-charge online course in Futures Literacy.

This course will be piloting in the end of 2018. If you are interested in participating, please sign up at the end of the questionnaire. 

The time that you will need to complete the questionnaire is approx. 30 minutes.

In case you need assistance please contact us at:


beFORE project team